3 tip to Maximize your productivity while working from from

Jasmine Jones Bridal Beauty Mentor and business coach How to be more productive

3 ways to improve your productivity!

Regardless of if your a busy entrepreneur or just a mom trying to get a few more things off of your to-do list done, these tips are sure to help increase your productivity so you can spend more time relaxing instead of working. The number most important thing to remember when it comes to being more productive is that it does take a bit of discipline to stick to the simple tips that we’re sharing with you today.

How to start a morning routine

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Becoming more productive is based upon the way you start your day. If your use to hitting snooze on your alarm clock then this must be your first habit to break. Now you might be wondering if I’m going to tell you to start watching up at 5 am too and the answer is NO WAY! The wonderful thing about humans is that we are all different. What may work for you won’t necessarily work for you. Finding the most perfect time that works best for you and your lifestyle is the most important.

Layout your clothes the night before

This may seem so simple, but how long do you stand in the closet going through your clothes to find an outfit to wear that day. I’ve given this a try a few days out of the week and its definitely helped me gain a few more minutes to myself in the morning before I start my day and turn on work mode.

If this seems like to much just start out by laying your work out clothes in the morning right by your shoes and have a filled water bottle ready by the door waiting for you. This not only gives you something to look forward to in the morning. But it also gets you right in the zone once you up without all of the fumbles.

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Get Organized

If you haven’t noticed yet becoming a more productive person all goes down to getting more organized just in your personal life, but in your work life as well. For the begging months of me working from home once I decided to go full time, I noticed that my days seemed to mush together. I knew that I did a ton of things that day but yet they all seemed like I did nothing that really moved the needle for me.

Utilizing calendars has saved me so much time as I’m not trying to think about what all I needed to get down that day or week. Just writing out “work on the project” doesn’t help me with getting organized it only gets me started. Being able to break apart the entire project and mapping out what needs to get done 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on and so on has saved me sanity and I’ve been tackling 5-8 projects a month which would morning take me over a month to-do best I ways trying to multi-task.

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Having goals of what needed to get done along with deadlines of when you want them done should all be worked on in the exact same priority order as the need for you to stay on track with your work.

Take it a day at a time

When it comes to testing out new habits in your day to day life it is a prove fact that you must be consistent with the new habit at least 30 days straight for it to stick. Don’t try to implement all at once give yourself a week and focus on one master it then adds a new habit in But always remember to give yourself grace and to take it a day at a time and you only fail if you give up.