Proven ways to shift your mindset

Daily habits to implement into your life to shift your mindset

When it come to your mindset, It can be your most helpful tool or the most hurtful tool that you can use within your personal situations or business life.

If you are someone who is constantly thinking of the worse case scenarios of what could happen you need to stop it right now! How can you say you want a positive and happy life when your constantly thinking of the negative.

Change your Language

It’s amazing how the simplest of things such as changing your language can help you in many situations.Have you ever said out loud “I cant do this” or “im not smart enough” These are all harsh things that we are saying to ourselves on a daily basis. Other then saying something like” I can’t do this” maybe change it up and say something like “ This will take a bit of work to do” Just but changing it up you re no longer limiting yourself of the things you “can’t do”

Start a Morning Routine

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Is it grabbing your phone and scrolling on social media before you step out of the bed? If so girl you need to switch it up. I no longer sleep with my phone near me at night time. If i want to pick up my phone i have to physically get up and out of the bed to walk to where it is.

The very first thing i do when i wake up is to do a quick 5 minute yoga or stretch and then head out on a quick power walk. If the weather is not agreeing with me i do a quick workout in my living room then take my dog out. After i took sometime to get the blood flooding through my body i sit down in front of my diffusser take a few deep breaths in to smell whatever essential oil i’m using fro that day (lavender is always my personal favorite) I dive right into 15 minutes or yoga or a nice meditation session.

This is a great way to focus on the goals you have for yourself for the day or just to clear your head and create space for what you need that day.

Give your self a positive self talk

Now you maybe rolling you’r eyes at this as you read it but let me tell you this. During most of my set backs and struggles when i’ve felt like ive fell off track of my goals i give myself a quick pep talk other wise non as affirmations to give myself a quick reminder of why i am actually where i am for a reason. Where i am today is actually the person i need to be to get to the next level of success in my life and business.

I challenge you to :

Create: 5 power things that you can say to your self or write down in a journal of how amazing you are and speak your current struggles away as if they where never a road bock

Ex: “I have money flowing to me from many directions” or “Clients love to work with me because of the energy i create through my photos”

These simple tasks can create a major shift and can even become your secret weapon.

And of course! I had to save the best for last…

Self Care

As a licensed cosmetologist Self Care, Wellness and Health are all tied into my job tittle. The way that we feel on the inside can boost us up or hold us back. As service providers we are always worried about our clients and making sure they their needs are always met. But when it come to our needs, our stress, nutrition and over all taking care of our selves it gets put on to the back burner.

you may work a part time job while juggling to make your business take off and by the time you come home and try to work on your business your tired so you call up the closest pizza delivery place. Or you may get home and your little ones are yelling at the top of their lungs and all you want to do is take a nap in the peace and quite. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND. These are the most crucial time that you can hop in the shower put a few drops of your favorite essential oil and sock in jut a few minutes. Say a few words to yourself or out loud of what will help you in the moment an tackle the rest of your night.

When it comes to being a business owner it has many rewards but in order to reap those reward you must “do the work even if you don’t feel like it”

Take a few minutes to make a better food choice for yourself that will help boost your energy. Or take those extra minutes before you go to be to do yoga because your back has been killing you for the last 3 days and you know you need to do something about it. I see focusing on Wellness and Health countless way that can boost up your levels of self care. Think of if as a preventive method now so its not a necessary method you have to do from neglecting your health. This will help you look and feel amazing and save you tons of money from unwanted doctors visits.