4 crucial habits tied into the success of being a successful entrepreneur

Have you ever wondered has some people can come out of the wood works an be so success which seems like over night. Or maybe you even seen someone who been working hard to pursue their business and their hard work is finally paying off. Its because they learned some of the most important habits it takes to master daily in order to actually get the results they been work towards.

Success Leaves Clues and they’re sitting right in front of our faces yet we still don’t do them…why?

There can be many reasons why we over look some of the most small and simplest of habits and choose to believe that you don’t need improvement on them.

Mastering these 4 habits will transform your life and i think you’d be surprise on what my top 4 are.

  • Action Tacker

  • Personal Care

  • Frugality

  • Sharing

How to start a wedding hair and makeup company with bridal beauty owner jasmine jones of alter-image

These may be a shocker but these are a few of the top 4 habits that’s helped me transform my life from having multiple part time jobs to only working for myself in my bridal hair and makeup service base business. Let just right on into my number habits as its the most important.


Taking action is in my opinion the most important because some people never even get to step one. I once heard one day while listening to a podcast (you will hear this ALOT as i beige listen to podcast) of how people are living their lives backwards. Image always working hard for someone all you life and people everyone else dream, problems, and desires before your own. You will look up 20 years from now and realize that you never lived for yourself,went for that goal,started that business or even moved an inch on the ideal you thought about 10 years ago.

This doesn’t make you selfish if you decide to pursue your dreams what is selfish is having a gift that you know you can personally help people with and holding it all to yourself. Someone is wanting for you to guide them rather it be on skincare, health,business,coaching and they are waiting for you. The client you say you dont have are out their just waiting for yo to start an I truly believe that in order for use to truly appreciate the time we have on earth is to give our gifts to as many people that needed us to give them to little push they needed to make a change. Which up what their eating to save their health or even get their hair done because they where feeling done and they enjoy the personal time they have with their stylist.

The path to success is to take massive determined actions-Tony Robbins


YOLO! who’s heard this before it stands for You only live once. An if you ask me i say that’s even more of a reason to get it together NOW an stop waiting until until the time is right. Sorry to break it to you but there will never be the perfect time to start you just have to do it. Making sure that you are in the most functional state possible start with being a bit more aware of what your eating, how much time you are spending on yourself a day and i’m not talking about doing your makeup i’m talking about your over all well being.

Go an get a massage not being you want it but because you need it. As service providers we are always worried about our clients and making sure we fulfill their needs but we often for get our own person needs. TREAT YOURSELF EVER ONCE AN A WHILE! If your worried about how this time can be used to be productive think of a massage as an productivity booster that you need once a month.

Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work-Stephen King


Down sizing your monthly bills may be something that you need to look into. Between changing my car insurance, getting a cheaper apartment, cutting our Starbucks runs and actually trying to stick to a monthly budget are things that’s put more money into my pocket that i choose to spend on education.

The amount of money that some are so quick to purchase new clothes, shoes, bags,cars and other flashy material items can be used to accelerate your growth when you implements the steps given correctly. Next time you go to make a purchase as yourself if its needed or wanted and if its wanted think of a smarter way to spend that money. We other mindlessly spend and not even realize it.

Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving- Warren Buffett


How to start a bridal beauty company with Wedding hair and makeup team owner Jasmine Jones of Alter-Image BRidal Hair and Makeup

Just like what parents say to their children when they learn how to play with others “Sharing is caring” and if you care about the success of others then share. Share with you loved ones advice that you know can help them with a certain situation. If someone posts a question on Facebook and you know the answer don’t just scroll by and hope someone else tells them the answer. The more we put ourselves into situations of helping others the efforts will come back for us 10x folds.

If your like me and believe in karma then you know you only get what you put out and if your not putting any good or helpful vibes they won’t come back to you in return.

We make a living by what we get; We make a life by what we give- Sir Winston Churchill

Daily Habits are something that we should focus on daily! Think about going to the gym you don’t go into the gym on day one workout for an hour and expect change. These are things that you have to work on over and over again to see a change.

If you’ve made it this far id love to share a huge air hug with you for spending you time reading this article as your support is truly appreciated. I would love to hear what some of your habits that you like to use daily in your life below in the comment section

Image taken by Alex Thornton