IG Series Week 2 Day two Knowing your niche is everything

How to use Instagram for your Business in 2020

Lets talk about the elephant in the room shall we? We’ve been showing up online consistently but yet you are hearing crickets and you think that there is something wrong with you. I’m hear to give it to you straight. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you but you are doing something wrong… Your talking to everyone which means your honestly talking to know one.

You need to niche down an i know for some that sounds scary. You maybe thinking but if i try to market to a small audience then i wont get as much business. Or you maybe think that your service can be for everyone and anyone which is great but content is your marketing strategy that helps buyer get to learn more about your products and services, learn more about you and why the product or service you have is for Them.

Did you catch the last part? They want to know that what you have was made exactly for them..not 10 million other people.They want to know whats in it for them and when you can talk to that one person they can easily connect with and buy it in an instant. Now because you say to me but why would i create something for just one person? Your not

When you craft up stories of past customers that’s used your products or give details on the benefits and who it can help someone with a certain issue multiple people will relate to that same situation. Your not going to limit the amount of people you reach but you will start to create raving fans of your product or services if you do it the right way. Head to today’s podcast and learn how you can start talking your clients language now!