Set your business up to work for you and not against you!

Design a Business that works while you sleep

Jasmine Jones public speaker and educator on expert panlist for the Rsing Tide Society in Charleston,South Carolina Event for Wedding and Event Professionals

Holy cow y’all, Last week was one for the books. Talk about growth and putting yourself out there. You can just guess how excited i was to be asked to be apart of the expert panelist and speak to a room filled of 88 Event and Wedding Professionals in Charleston,SC on the topic of Growth.

After i decided to take the crazy leap of faith after having my business for 4 and a half years while juggling multiple part time jobs to grow a team and go full time in business for myself. I managed to expand my solo bridal artist team to a team of 14 freelancers that is spread out through north and south Carolina within only 6 months.

I shared tips on what i had to learn how to do the hard way when it comes to hiring and how i still managed to have a ton of free time on my hands at the same time. First things first A tracked number grows. I wish i can take credit for this line but i heard my business coach say this time and time again and it made sense.

IF you have no idea where your business stands or whats working and whats not working how i the world are you going to know whats to focus on?

I gave a few tips on some of my favorite platforms that i love to use to track the growth of my business and of course i had to mention the number one platform that saved me from being burnt out and that’s HONEYBOOK

I’m always talking about HoneyBook and that’s because i use it I don’t speak about things that i don’t use because that’s just not me. But i mentioned how i love to track where my leads are coming from vs. Where the clients who actually book me are coming from.

Image If you spend all your time over on Facebook but then realize that all of your clients are coming from Instagram. You just wasted so much time. I believe in doubling down on whats working and leave the things along that are not working.

Now if you have a team like i do then i do like to spread my eggs in multiple baskets because we have the ability to do so. But for solo business owners focus on one or 2 platforms master that and when you do hire someone on to help manage it so you can learn how to use another platform that’s beneficial.

Rising Tide Society Road Trip Charleston South Carolina Expert Panelist Jasmine Jones Public Speaker and Educator on Growth

Ready to work smarter and not harder? Give the Platform i use to manage my Bridal,Coaching and Joint Business that my boyfriend and i own a try now for one week FREE

Want a deep dive into some of the tips that i shared at this event plus more? Check out the podcast for a quick re-cap of what advice i gave this room filled of professionals

Also don’t forget to follow Beauty and the Network on Instagram