How to Plan for Your Engagement Shoot

How to prepare for a smooth engagement session with traveling hair and makeup team Alter-Image Inc.

Tips for Planning a Smooth Engagement Session

How to prepare for a smooth engagement session with traveling hair and makeup team Alter-Image Inc.

First comes the proposal, then comes the planning process! We’ve all seen the gorgeous engagement photos that have been shared on our timelines, but how do people make it seems so effortless? Like with most things, it’s important to really sit down and strategize to make the most of your engagement session. It can be tough figuring out where to start, but fortunately, we won’t make you find all of the answers on your own! Once you’ve got these tips in the bag, you and your honey will be more ready than ever to capture your love.

When + Why you Should Have Your Engagement Session

How to prepare for a smooth engagement session with traveling hair and makeup team Alter-Image Inc.

When planning your engagement photo session, there are some key things to keep in mind. Of course, you’ll want to know when the best time is to have them taken, but it’s also essential to know the why behind doing something. Engagement sessions are amazing for a multitude of reasons— for starters, it’s a great way to get to know your photographer before your big day. Getting over those awkward, in front of the camera + “What do I do with my hands?” vibes pre-wedding day is crucial! 

Not only will you be more comfortable working with your photographer, but it’s a great way for everyone to get to know each other; having a good relationship with your photographer = them capturing the best moments of you and your partner because they know you! These sessions are also a great opportunity to plan in conjunction with a Bridal Trial, so the same can happen with your Glam Squad. As far as planning when to take your Engagement photos is concerned, it’s a good idea to plan them as early in the wedding planning process as possible. Ideally, try to shoot for 1-2 months before the real planning begins to avoid any stress!

How to prepare for a smooth engagement session with traveling hair and makeup team Alter-Image Inc.

How to Prepare for Your Engagement Session

Preparation is everything! When it comes to prepping for your engagement session, keep it simple. It’s a good idea to bring along a few outfits so that if you’re feeling a little stuck, you’ll have some options. Not only that, but it helps in case the weather ends up changing; you’ll be thankful you brought that other dress when it’s a little warmer than expected! Try to keep things light— having your photos taken can be awkward enough, no need to add any stress or negativity to it!

Talking things over with your honey and getting inspired is a great way to prepare you and give some ideas for what you’d like your results to be similar to. Lastly, location location location! Choose a spot for your engagement photos that’s meaningful and special for you + your honey. The familiarity of the location can help to ease any stress, and you’ll have gorgeous photos to remember it by forever!

What Should We Wear for Our Engagement Session?

How to prepare for a smooth engagement session with traveling hair and makeup team Alter-Image Inc.

Choosing an outfit on the regular can already be quite the task, so it’s key to think about the outfits you choose for your session. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing said outfits: location, time of year, weather, and comfortability. These are all things that can greatly affect your shoot and the end results, you’ll want to keep an eye on the weather as the date approaches so you can make any necessary outfit changes beforehand; trying to coordinate a new set of outfits the day of will simply stress you out, so save yourself the frustration!

It’s pertinent you and your partner both wear something that makes you feel like yourselves, whether that’s dressing to impress or opting for something more cozy or casual. It might be easier to start off deciding what type of color scheme you’re going for, you definitely want to communicate so that your outfits complement each other. This helps to avoid any clashing between style, color, pattern, etc. Again, you want to complement each other but you don’t have to match. Take the season into consideration, and have fun with it!

Engagement Session Do’s and Don’ts

How to prepare for a smooth engagement session with traveling hair and makeup team Alter-Image Inc.

You’re just about ready to go! There a few things forementioned and that we’ll get into that can make or break your photos. The biggest don’t for your engagement session is overthinking! Overthinking can put a ton of stress (no matter how seemingly necessary) on you, and that stress + discomfort will convey through your photos. You can never go wrong with being your true, authentic self and letting go— so be natural, let loose and use the remaining Do’s and Don’ts as a guide to your best photos yet!

Do: Choose comfortable clothes and bring options! Mentioned earlier, this will ultimately make you feel the most comfortable and helps boost your confidence when having your photos taken.

Don’t: Bring the whole closet! It’s difficult enough to choose between two, at most three, outfits; adding more clothes into the mix will only breed confusion and stress. Plan ahead, and keep it simple!

Do: Be prepared! Bring any makeup you may need for touchups, mini hairspray— an Engagement Shoot emergency pack if you will. Should you get caught up in the moment and get a little misty-eyed or if the southern heat + humidity calls for an oil blot sheet, you’re ready. 

Don’t: Overdo it with your hair and makeup. This, of course, depends on what the feel of your session is, but generally, it’s not a bad idea to stay on the side of a softer look. This can help make the makeup touchup process easier, but it’s also nice as you can use these photos for save the dates!

Do:  Go easy on the accessories, and wear colors that complement each other but aren’t too matchy.

Don’t: Get a new hairstyle!!! As with anything, the last thing you want to do before such a special moment to be captured is take a chance with a new hairstyle. If you’re wanting something new/fresh, try to do so at least two weeks prior to avoid being stuck with an unwanted hairstyle or hair color. 

Engagement Sessions are an opportunity to get into the swing of things before your wedding day. Not only will you be a pro when it comes to working it in front of the camera, but you can never go wrong creating those bonds with your photographer (+ Glam Squad!) prior. It takes a village to get things done, and when you’ve got a vision it’s important to make sure that everyone is on the same page! Remember to keep an eye on the date of your scheduled session, with these tips you’ll be ready for whatever may come your way. If you’re a Bride to Be or know someone that is, be sure to click the link below to grab your free Wedding Day guide!

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Vendor Love

Nicki Paige Collection

Alter-Image Inc.

Downtown Charleston, SC


Sacia Matthews

Franzi Annika Photography

Simply Korsun Photography