Wedding Day Tips

Wedding vendor Spotlight RoseBay Floral Co.

Wedding vendor Spotlight RoseBay Floral Co.

Kick off your wedding planning by checking out our newest vendor feature series. Hear from the amazing Alarie, Owner of Charleston, SC based wedding florist. Check out her helpful advice and tips for bride getting married in the low country who are in need of a wedding day floral designers for their big day.

What is a Hair and Makeup Trial Run For?

What is a Hair and Makeup Trial Run For?

If you're newly engaged and have already started the process of deciding on what you'd like your hair and makeup to look like on your big day, then you've likely heard about or been asked about booking something called, a 'Bridal Trial'. So, what exactly IS a Bridal Trial and are they worth it?!

Learn from Carolina bridal hair and makeup artist team alter-image as we give brides our view of why you should have a trail run dont before your wedding day.

3 essentials every bride need in her beauty touch up bag!

3 essentials every bride need in her beauty touch up bag!

Your wedding day will be your most photographed day of your life and we have 3 must have that you need to have in your bridal beauty touch up kit. Heard from Bridal Hair and Makeup Artist Jasmine Jones , Owner of the Carolina Bridal Team Alter-Image as she shares with you the 3 things she believes every bride needs to have in you beauty bag the day of your wedding.